# You need to activate UseOwnLanguageFile to change the messages

  # Language options are English or German. For any other language activate UseOwnLanguageFile
  Language: English
  # Activate this to be able to edit any of the messages in this file
  UseOwnLanguageFile: false
  # If this is not activated, and you reload the plugin, players might be able to remove items from the old inventory,
  # if they were changed or disabled in this config before the reload
  CloseInventoryOnReload: true
  # If enabled a friend request is send/accepted when a player hits another player while holding the profile item.
  # The other player won't receive any damage
  SendFriendshipInvitationsByHittingAPlayer: true
  # If enabled a friend request is send/accepted when a player right clicks on another player while holding the profile
  # item and sneaking.
  SendFriendRequestByRightClickingAndSneaking: true
  # Players with this permission are regarded as part of the server team if a player chooses the hide option "only show
  # members of the server team"
  PermissionNoHide: partyandfriends.hide.nohide
  # If disabled a normal player head with the texture of the friend is used in the friends menu when they are offline
  UseSkeletonSkullForOfflinePlayer: true
  # If enabled the hide gui plays a sound when a new hide mode is chosen
  SoundForHideGUI: true
  # If enabled the hotbar/toolbar items can not be overwritten by other plugins
  PreventItemsOfGettingOverwritten: true
  # If enabled dependencies required for this plugin (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/gson-for-1-8-3-or-older.30852/
  # is needed for servers running minecraft 1.7.10. If enabled that dependency is automatically downloaded)
  AutoDownloadDependencies: true
  # If disabled player heads will have no skin.
  SkinHeadDownload: true
    Warning: Switching any of these settings to false might result in incompatibilities
      with some other plugins.
    # If this is disabled some badly programmed lobby plugins break
    ResetCursorOnMenuSwitch: true
    # If the ping between the Bungeecord and Spigot server is high the hiding might stop working.
    # To fix this you have to choose a higher value here. A higher value might cause the player to see hidden players
    # for a short time after join
    TicksUntilMessageChannelIsUsedAfterJoin: 10
    # Shows the last online time on an offline player in the friends gui
    ShowLastOnlineTime: true
    # How many lines the friends menu has at a minimum. If a player has many friends the menu size is automatically
    # expanded
    Minimum-Lines: 5
  # Opens the friends gui
    Enabled: true
    - friendsgui
  # Open the settings gui
    Enabled: true
    - friendsettings
  # Opens the friend request menu
    Enabled: true
    - friendrequest
  # Opens the hide menu. If a player uses /hide  the hide mode is changed.
  # The following hide modes do exist:
  #  0 Shows all Players
  # 	 1 Show only Friends and people of the server team
  # 	 2 Show only friends
  # 	 3 Show only people of the server team
  # 	 4 Hide all players
  # 	 5 Show only party members
    Enabled: true
    - hidegui
    - hide
  # Opens the party gui
    Enabled: true
    - partygui
  # Another commonly used name for the toolbar is hotbar.
    # If multiworld is activated the items will only be added to the hotbar in enabled worlds
      SupportMultiWorld: false
      - world
    # If a player right clicks with this item in the right hand the hide gui is opened
      Use: true
      Place: 1
      ItemData: BLAZE_ROD
      MetaData: 0
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&6Hide Players'
      # Only players with this permission will receive this item on join.
      # If no permission is set/an empty permission no permission is set everybody receives this item on join.
      Permission: ''
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
        # Time in seconds. If the cooldown is set to 0 players can spam the use of the item
        Time: 0
        Message: '&8[&5&lFriends&8] &cPlease don''t use this item so often.'
        # A player with this permission has no cooldown
        ByPassPermission: partyandfriends.hideitem.cooldown
    # If a player right clicks with this item in the right hand the gui is opened
      Use: true
      Place: 8
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&5Profile'
      # Only players with this permission will receive this item on join.
      # If no permission is set/an empty permission no permission is set everybody receives this item on join.
      Permission: ''
      # If this is disabled the last opened menu will be opened. If the player had no menu opened previously the friend
      # menu is opened
      AlwaysOpenFriendMenu: false
      UsePlayerSkin: true
      CustomModelData: 0
        # Time in seconds. If the cooldown is set to 0 players can spam the use of the item
        Time: 0
        Message: '&8[&5&lFriends&8] &cPlease don''t use this item so often.'
        # A player with this permission has no cooldown
        ByPassPermission: partyandfriends.profileitem.cooldown
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&5Back%LINE_BREAK%&7Click on this item to%LINE_BREAK%&7return to the
        main menu.'
      ItemData: IRON_DOOR
      MetaData: 0
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
    DoNotShowItemIfCurrentMenu: false
      Use: true
      MetaData: 0
      # The place is calculated from the right. Meaning if the place is set to 1 the item is on the far right bottom
      Place: 4
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&5Open party menu'
      Permission: ''
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      Use: true
      MetaData: 0
      # The place is calculated from the right. Meaning if the place is set to 1 the item is on the far right bottom
      Place: 5
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&eOpen friend menu'
      Permission: ''
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      ItemData: GOLDEN_HELMET
      Use: true
      Permission: ''
      MetaData: 0
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&7Settings%LINE_BREAK%&7Opens a menu where you can%LINE_BREAK%&7change
        your settings.'
      # The place is calculated from the right. Meaning if the place is set to 1 the item is on the far right bottom
      Place: 6
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      ItemData: COMPARATOR
      Use: true
      Permission: ''
      ItemData: PAPER
      MetaData: 0
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&5Friend requests%LINE_BREAK%&7Opens a menu where you can%LINE_BREAK%&7view
        and accept or decline friend%LINE_BREAK%&7requests.'
      # The place is calculated from the right. Meaning if the place is set to 1 the item is on the far right bottom
      Place: 7
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      Use: false
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: ' '
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      MetaData: 0
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&aNext'
      MetaData: 0
      # The place is calculated from the right. Meaning if the place is set to 1 the item is on the far right bottom
      Place: 1
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      ItemData: OAK_SIGN
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&aPrevious'
      MetaData: 0
      # The place is calculated from the right. Meaning if the place is set to 1 the item is on the far right bottom
      Place: 9
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      ItemData: OAK_SIGN
    # Own items allow you to add your own items to the menu
    # Add more entries by copying and pasting the example entries and then rename them from ExampleX to something else
        Use: false
        ItemData: STONE
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: A simple example. Click this command to let the player who is clicking
          onto the item execute "/bar" command
        # The place is calculated from the right. Meaning if the place is set to 1 the item is on the far right bottom
        Place: 1
        Command: bar
        BungeeCordCommand: false
        # If this is enabled the inventory is kept open after the item clicked
        KeepOpen: false
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
    GlowIfCurrentMenu: true
    # If activated page 1 is shown as 1 instead of 0
    StartsWithOne: true
    # This is the inventory name. The inventory is composed of the Name + the current page + PostPage
    Name: '&5&lFriends &7Page '
    # The inventory name after the current page
    PastPage: ''
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value.
      # Changing this value might break some third party extensions.
      # This value has to include the %player_name% placeholder.
      Name: '&5%player_name% &a(Online)'
      # Shows the server a player is currently on
      ShowServer: true
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      OnlineOn: '&7Online on &e[SERVER]'
      CustomModelData: 0
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value.
      # Changing this value might break some third party extensions.
      # This value has to include the %player_name% placeholder.
      Name: '&7%player_name% &c(Offline)'
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      LastSeen: '&7Last seen at [LAST_SEEN]'
      CustomModelData: 0
    # This item is shown in the first slot of the inventory if a player has no friends
      Use: true
      ItemData: PAPER
      MetaData: 0
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&4You have not added any friends as yet.%LINE_BREAK%&4Add friends by
        using &5/friend add&4.'
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      Use: false
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: ' '
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      MetaData: 0
    # If disabled online friends are first shown, then offline friends, sorted by the time they were added as friends
      Enabled: true
      # The place is calculated from the right. Meaning if the place is set to 1 the item is on the far right bottom
      BackwardsMenubarPlace: 2
        ItemData: NETHER_STAR
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&dCurrently sorting by &blast online.'
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        Use: true
        ItemData: NETHER_STAR
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&dCurrently sorting by &3ascending alphabetic order.'
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        Use: true
        ItemData: NETHER_STAR
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&dCurrently sorting by &cdescending alphabetic order.'
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        Use: true
        ItemData: NETHER_STAR
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&dCurrently sorting by &5friendship duration.'
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
    Size: 27
    # If activated a hopper inventory will be used instead of a normal inventory. Due to that the size value will be ignored.
    # Please notice that a hopper inventory has only 5 slots, meaning you have to disable at least one of the 6 hide modes.
    # Also, please make sure that you set 'Place' for all hide modes to 4 or below, so that they fit into the hopper inventory.
    UseHopperGUI: false
    Name: '&6Hide Players'
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&aShow all players'
        Place: 10
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        ItemData: GREEN_TERRACOTTA
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&cHide All Players'
        Use: true
        Place: 15
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        ItemData: RED_TERRACOTTA
        MetaData: 0
      # Who is part of the server team is defined by the permission set under "General.PermissionNoHide" in this config
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&eShow only friends and people of the server team'
        Use: true
        Place: 12
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&6Show only friends'
        Use: true
        Place: 11
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        MetaData: 0
      # Who is part of the server team is defined by the permission set under "General.PermissionNoHide" in this config
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&5Show only people of the server team'
        Use: true
        Place: 13
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        MetaData: 0
        Use: true
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&dShow only party members'
        Place: 14
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        ItemData: PINK_TERRACOTTA
        MetaData: 0
    GlowIfSelectedHideMode: true
      Use: true
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: ' '
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      MetaData: 0
    # Own items allow you to add your own items to the menu
    # Add more entries by copying and pasting the example entries and then rename them from ExampleX to something else
        Use: false
        ItemData: STONE
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: A simple example. Click this command to let the player who is clicking
          onto the item execute "/bar" command
        Place: 0
        Command: bar
        BungeeCordCommand: false
        # If this is enabled the inventory is kept open after the item clicked
        KeepOpen: false
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
      # If the inventory name is longer than 32 characters including the player name,
      # then older minecraft clients might crash
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value.
      # Changing this value might break some third party extensions.
      # This value has to include the %player_name% placeholder.
      Online: '&5%player_name% &a(Online)'
      # If the inventory name is longer than 32 characters including the player name,
      # then older minecraft clients might crash
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value.
      # Changing this value might break some third party extensions.
      # This value has to include the %player_name% placeholder.
      Offline: '&7%player_name% &c(Offline)'
    Size: 27
      Use: true
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: ' '
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      MetaData: 0
      Use: true
      MetaData: 0
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&cRemove this friend%LINE_BREAK%&7If you click on this item your friend
        will%LINE_BREAK%&7be removed from your friend list and you from his.'
      Place: 10
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      ItemData: BARRIER
      Use: true
      MetaData: 0
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&5Invite this player into your party%LINE_BREAK%ยง7If you click on this
        item a%LINE_BREAK%&7party invite will be send to your friend.'
      Place: 12
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      Use: true
      MetaData: 0
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&6Jump to this Player%LINE_BREAK%&7If you click on this item you will%LINE_BREAK%&7join
        the server of your friend.'
      Place: 13
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
    # Own items allow you to add your own items to the menu
    # Add more entries by copying and pasting the example entries and then rename them from ExampleX to something else
        Use: false
        OnlyOnline: true
        ItemData: STONE
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: A simple example. Click this command to execute "/foo " command
        Place: 11
        Command: foo %player%
        BungeeCordCommand: true
        # If this is enabled the inventory is kept open after the item clicked
        KeepOpen: false
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        Use: false
        OnlyOnline: false
        ItemData: STONE
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: A simple example. Click this command to let the player who is clicking
          onto the item execute "/bar" command
        Place: 9
        Command: bar
        BungeeCordCommand: false
        # If this is enabled the inventory is kept open after the item clicked
        KeepOpen: false
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
      Use: true
      Place: 16
  # If enabled players have to confirm the deletion of friends using the gui via this menu
    Use: false
    Name: '&cRemove &7%PLAYER_NAME%'
    Size: 27
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&cConfirm to delete this friend from your friend list.'
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      Place: 11
      ItemData: RED_TERRACOTTA
      Use: true
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&aDo not delete this friend from your friend list.'
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      Place: 15
      Use: true
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: ' '
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      MetaData: 0
    # Own items allow you to add your own items to the menu
    # Add more entries by copying and pasting the example entries and then rename them from ExampleX to something else
        Use: false
        ItemData: STONE
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: A simple example. Click this command to execute "/foo " command
        Place: 10
        Command: foo %player%
        BungeeCordCommand: true
        # If this is enabled the inventory is kept open after the item clicked
        KeepOpen: false
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
    Size: 45
    # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
    Name: '&5&lFriend requests'
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value.
      # This value has to include the %player_name% placeholder.
      Text: '&7%player_name%'
      Use: true
      ItemData: PAPER
      MetaData: 0
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&5You do not have any pending friend requests.'
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
    # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value.
    # This value has to include the %player_name% placeholder.
    # If the inventory name is longer than 32 characters including the player name,
    # then older minecraft clients might crash
    # Changing this value might break some third party extensions
    Name: '&7%player_name%'
      Use: true
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: ' '
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      MetaData: 0
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&aAccept friend request%LINE_BREAK%&7Click on this item%LINE_BREAK%&7to
        accept the friend request.'
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      MetaData: 0
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: '&cDecline the friend request%LINE_BREAK%&7Click on this item%LINE_BREAK%&7to
        decline the friend request.'
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      ItemData: RED_TERRACOTTA
      MetaData: 0
  # In the settings menu every setting has a description item and under it a button to disable/enable that setting.
  # The settings are sorted by their priority. A setting with the priority 0 is shown before a setting with the priority 1
    Size: 45
    Name: '&7&lSettings'
    FirstItemPlace: 9
      Use: true
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
      Text: ' '
      # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
      # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
      UseCustomTexture: false
      Base64CustomTexture: ''
      CustomModelData: 0
      MetaData: 0
      Activated: true
      Priority: 1
      Permission: ''
        ItemData: PAPER
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&5Do you want to receive friend requests?'
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
          # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
          Text: '&aOther players can send you friend requests'
          # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
          # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
          UseCustomTexture: false
          Base64CustomTexture: ''
          CustomModelData: 0
          ItemData: GREEN_TERRACOTTA
          MetaData: 0
          # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
          Text: '&cOther players cannot send you friend requests'
          # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
          # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
          UseCustomTexture: false
          Base64CustomTexture: ''
          CustomModelData: 0
          ItemData: RED_TERRACOTTA
          MetaData: 0
      Activated: true
      Priority: 2
      Permission: ''
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&5Do you want to receive party invitations from everybody?'
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        ItemData: FIREWORK_ROCKET
          # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
          Text: '&aAll players can send you party invitations'
          # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
          # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
          UseCustomTexture: false
          Base64CustomTexture: ''
          CustomModelData: 0
          ItemData: GREEN_TERRACOTTA
          MetaData: 0
          # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
          Text: '&cOnly friends can send you party invitations'
          # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
          # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
          UseCustomTexture: false
          Base64CustomTexture: ''
          CustomModelData: 0
          ItemData: RED_TERRACOTTA
          MetaData: 0
      Activated: true
      Priority: 3
      Permission: ''
        ItemData: BOOK
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&aDo you want to receive messages?'
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
          # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
          Text: '&aFriends can send you private messages'
          # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
          # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
          UseCustomTexture: false
          Base64CustomTexture: ''
          CustomModelData: 0
          ItemData: GREEN_TERRACOTTA
          MetaData: 0
          # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
          Text: '&cNobody can send you private messages'
          # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
          # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
          UseCustomTexture: false
          Base64CustomTexture: ''
          CustomModelData: 0
          ItemData: RED_TERRACOTTA
          MetaData: 0
      Activated: true
      Priority: 4
      Permission: ''
        ItemData: COMPASS
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&aDo you want that your friends can see, that you are online?'
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
          # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
          Text: '&aYour friends will be able to see your online status'
          # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
          # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
          UseCustomTexture: false
          Base64CustomTexture: ''
          CustomModelData: 0
          ItemData: GREEN_TERRACOTTA
          MetaData: 0
          # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
          Text: '&cYour online status will not be shown to your friends'
          # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
          # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
          UseCustomTexture: false
          Base64CustomTexture: ''
          CustomModelData: 0
          ItemData: RED_TERRACOTTA
          MetaData: 0
      Activated: true
      Priority: 5
      Permission: ''
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&aDo you want to receive a notification if a friend goes offline/online?'
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
          # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
          Text: '&aYou will receive a notification when a friend of yours goes online/offline'
          # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
          # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
          UseCustomTexture: false
          Base64CustomTexture: ''
          CustomModelData: 0
          ItemData: GREEN_TERRACOTTA
          MetaData: 0
          # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
          Text: '&cYou will not receive a notification when a friend of yours goes
          # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
          # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
          UseCustomTexture: false
          Base64CustomTexture: ''
          CustomModelData: 0
          ItemData: RED_TERRACOTTA
          MetaData: 0
      Activated: true
      Priority: 6
      Permission: ''
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&6Should your friends be allowed to jump to you?'
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        ItemData: OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE
          # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
          Text: '&aFriends can jump to you'
          # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
          # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
          UseCustomTexture: false
          Base64CustomTexture: ''
          CustomModelData: 0
          ItemData: GREEN_TERRACOTTA
          MetaData: 0
          # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
          Text: '&cNo one can jump to you'
          # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
          # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
          UseCustomTexture: false
          Base64CustomTexture: ''
          CustomModelData: 0
          ItemData: RED_TERRACOTTA
          MetaData: 0
    CloseSettingsInventoryAutomatically: true
    Enabled: true
      # How many lines the party menu has at a minimum. If a player has many friends the menu size is automatically
      # expanded
      Minimum-Lines: 5
      Name: '&5&lYour Party &7Page '
      PastPage: ''
      StartsWithOne: true
        Use: true
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: ' '
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        MetaData: 0
        ItemData: PAPER
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&4You are not in a party. Invite people into a party by using /party
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        Color: '&6'
        Lore: '&7Party &5Leader'
        Color: '&b'
        Lore: '&7Party &6Member'
        ShowServer: true
        Use: true
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&4Leave your party.'
        # The place is calculated from the right. Meaning if the place is set to 1 the item is on the far right bottom
        Place: 2
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        ItemData: BARRIER
      Size: 27
      # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value.
      # This value has to include the %player_name% placeholder.
      # If the inventory name is longer than 32 characters including the player name,
      # then older minecraft clients might crash
      # Changing this value might break some third party extensions
      Name: '&5Party &6Member: %player_name%'
        Use: true
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: ' '
        MetaData: 0
        Use: true
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&cKick this player from the party'
        Place: 10
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        ItemData: BARRIER
        Use: true
        MetaData: 0
        # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
        Text: '&eMakes this player the new leader of this party'
        Place: 13
        # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
        # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
        UseCustomTexture: false
        Base64CustomTexture: ''
        CustomModelData: 0
        ItemData: WRITABLE_BOOK
        Use: true
        Place: 16
      # Own items allow you to add your own items to the menu
      # Add more entries by copying and pasting the example entries and then rename them from ExampleX to something else
          Use: false
          ItemData: STONE
          MetaData: 0
          # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
          Text: A simple example. Click this command to execute "/foo " command
          Place: 11
          Command: foo %player%
          BungeeCordCommand: true
          # If this is enabled the inventory is kept open after the item clicked
          KeepOpen: false
          # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
          # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
          UseCustomTexture: false
          Base64CustomTexture: ''
          CustomModelData: 0
          Use: false
          ItemData: STONE
          MetaData: 0
          # You have to enable "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" to be able to change this value
          Text: A simple example. Click this command to let the player who is clicking
            onto the item execute "/bar" command
          Place: 9
          Command: bar
          BungeeCordCommand: false
          # If this is enabled the inventory is kept open after the item clicked
          KeepOpen: false
          # You can find base64 custom textures on https://minecraft-heads.com/.
          # The website calls the base64 value just "Value"
          UseCustomTexture: false
          Base64CustomTexture: ''
          CustomModelData: 0