All Classes and Interfaces

The command accept
The command add
The /party chat command
This class loads the config
The command deny
The command list
The /friend command class
This class will be executed on /party list
The /party chat Invite
The class which will be executed on /party join
Listener for joins
The command jump
The /party kick command
The class which will be executed on /party leader
The class which will be executed on /party leave
This is event is called when a player left a party (no matter if he disconnects from the server, gets kicked or just uses /party leave).
The main class
Will be executed on /friend msg
This class loads the Messages.yml
Will be executed on /msg
The APIs for the party system of Party and Friends
The /p command
The /party command
The class which will be executed on /party join
This class manages the parties.
An abstract class for the party commands
This class provides information about if a player has a permission or not.
The class with the PlayerDisconnectEvent event.
Objects of this class are the party, where a player is in
The command remove
Will be executed on /r
The class with the ServerSwitchEvent
The command settings
Represents a TopCommand like /friend, /party or /command.